Luggage Door and Light
I’ve continued with upholstering the luggage area, it’s getting close to done. I worked on the ceiling pieces as well as the door. I’m not too sure what is the “correct” way to upholster the door, so I’m sharing a few pics of how I decided to do it....
Luggage Compartment Upholstery
I think it will be difficult to install the carpeting in the luggage area after the fuselage side skins are installed, so I’m taking advantage of the easy access I have now before I continue with building the center fuselage. I’m continuing to use the high-density foam insulation from...
Tail Stand
With all the weight in the rear fuselage, I’ve been using a couple of wood blocks to support the tail on top of the work bench. However, it’s not very robust, seems like a waste of good bench space, so I decided to build a tail stand. I used...
Luggage Door
Build Manual Reference: TSi Fuselage Manual Page D22 – D23 I installed the luggage door per the build manual. Bending the door to match the fuselage contour was a very iterative task, but not difficult. At first I tried using my thigh as suggested in the manual, but I...
Rear Fuselage Close-out
For the past week I’ve been preparing to install the upper skins of the rear fuselage, which will close out most access to this section. Although there is an inspection panel mid-belly, I decided it would be easier to install the GMU 11 magnetometer before closing out, so earlier...
Static Ports Install
I am using the static ports supplied with the kit, which are the stick-on variety with barbed fittings. They just need a small hole drilled through the skin, and then they are bonded onto the skin with glue. I will probably use Loctite 422 for the adhesive, since I...
Fuselage Join, Luggage Floor, Parachute Box
I’ve been busily working away on the fuselage over the last 2 weeks, and have built up a backlog of info and photos; it will take me a few days to catch up my blog / build record! This slightly long blog post covers the following topics: Center to...
New Skill Acquired: Powder Coating
Just before this whole pandemic thing started happening, I had purchased a powder coating gun to experiment with. I knew it would be more work than spray paint, but the resulting finish is nicer and more durable. My first attempt was with the updated bearing plates in my previous...
Update to Rear Torque Tube Modification
In my last post, I documented a problem I found when joining the center and rear fuselages. The modifications I made to the rear torque tube didn’t account for the clearance needed for the rudder conduit fittings, which are mounted very near the torque tube, and were butting up...
March 2020 Progress Report
Total Hours Completed: 696 (50%)Hours To Go: 704 Wow that snuck up on me – this month, I passed the 50% point on my build! What a month it has been though. We are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has led the whole world...