Luggage Door
Build Manual Reference: TSi Fuselage Manual Page D22 – D23
I installed the luggage door per the build manual. Bending the door to match the fuselage contour was a very iterative task, but not difficult. At first I tried using my thigh as suggested in the manual, but I found I had an easier time using two wood blocks, as shown in the 3rd picture below.
I had to use a grinding wheel to shave a few mm off the piano hinge. Other than that, it went together pretty much as described. Is there a recommended material to use for the door seal? I’ll have to see if the finishing kit includes anything – I know there are rubber foam seals provided for the canopy doors, not sure if there’s one for this door too. The lock provided with the kit acts as both a latch and a lock, and uses a very simple mechanism to hold the door closed. I may want to use something a little nicer as a latch, but that’s low on my priority list.