Finishing Aileron; Wing Step Skin Try 2
I had a heck of a time getting the aileron to line up properly with the trailing edge of the wing and the flap. I wound up using a technique that involved putting some tape on the skin overlap, twisting the aileron by hand while on the wing, taking...
Aileron Alignment
As I’ve posted previously, I’m trying to be proactive about ensuring the aileron trailing edge lines up with the rest of the wing. I decided to re-use the same trick I used for the elevator & horizontal stab: assemble the part in-place, using clamps to set the assembly straight....
Rivet Filling & Left Wing End Rib
My fuselage kit will be arriving this week, so I spent this weekend finishing up the left wing. Last few steps are to attach the wing tip and control surfaces (aileron, flap). Before taking the jig off the wing tip, I worked on filling in all of the rivets...
Aileron Parts Prep; Fuselage Kit On Its Way!
I just got back from an amazing European vacation, and prior to that, a weekend trip to NYC, which is why I haven’t had any updates since Easter. I’m back now, excited to get back to work. While I was away on vacation, I also finished all the purchase...
Left Flap Finished, Starting Aileron
I finished assembly of the left side flap. All the parts for the right side are prepared, but I’ll wait to assemble it until I see if I run into any fit issues with the left side. I started preparing the aileron structural parts next. They go through the...