Right Fuel Tank Closeout and Leak Test
Over the past few weekends I worked on closing out the right fuel tank. I attached the last accessory bits (fuel pickup, vent) and then proceeded with applying the sealant for the back channel/cover. Having the wing turned 90° definitely made it easier to set the fuel tank in...
Engine Transport Success
When I bought the engine way back in December 2020, I planned to bring my plane to the airport to install the engine. I found space inside a community hangar at the Nashua airport, which I where I will perform final assembly. The hangar manager graciously allowed me to...
Refueling Options
As I’ve been building my second fuel tank, another thought has re-entered my mind: how to get gas to my plane. Leaded gasoline has been in the news lately, with a not-so-great spotlight being shone on aviation’s 100LL AvGas as being the last major producer of airborne lead emissions....
Right Fuel Tank Accessories
I spent some time this weekend adding components to the right fuel tank in preparation for closing it up: the fuel level sender, drain fitting, and fuel cap. I also drilled out and replaced a few sealed rivets from the previous session of setting the ribs where some rivets...
Right Fuel Tank Build
It’s been over 2 years since I built the first fuel tank. The right side fuel tank skin arrived with a big dent when I originally received my wing kit, and it took a few tries and a lot of waiting to get a replacement skin. But, with everything...
Firewall Forward Kit Arrival
Last week I received the custom firewall kit I ordered to install the 915iS on my Sling 4. Shipping took a long time – almost 5 months – but I’ve read it’s a widespread issue in sea container shipping right now. Everything in the kit arrived just fine. I...
Aileron Trim Kit
It’s been a little bit since I posted, but there are a few exciting developments to share. First, I got word that my firewall forward kit arrived in Torrance CA last week and is on its way to me! This is the long-awaiting custom kit that will allow me...
Electrical Loads Analysis
Another builder was looking for an electrical loads analysis, here is what I have so far. The 915iS engine has dual internal generators; the ‘A’ generator provides power to the Engine Management System (EMS) normally, and a second ‘B’ generator supplies power for everything else in the airframe, up...
Canopy Wiring
Last week I finished the electronics design for the overhead console and sent off the PCB design for manufacture. I’ve already received the parts to stuff the boards, but the boards themselves will take another week. In the meantime, I decided to set up the canopy in my lab...
Custom Overhead Console
I’ve created yet another custom piece of cabin tech, this time it’s an overhead light console. The panel has a dome light, swivel adjustable map lights, and red ambient light projectors. I used RGBW LEDs to allow the lights to be set to any color and brightness, adjusted using...