Engine Transport Success

When I bought the engine way back in December 2020, I planned to bring my plane to the airport to install the engine. I found space inside a community hangar at the Nashua airport, which I where I will perform final assembly.

The hangar manager graciously allowed me to store the engine until I was ready, but I decided it made more sense to mount the engine at home. I finally had the right combination of time, equipment, and help to bring the engine back to the house on 17 Sept. A Uhaul motorcycle trailer turned out to be the perfect size for the crate with several hard mounting points for tie-downs, and the built-in ramp facilitating loading and unloading.

Strapped down and ready to roll
Will be time to mount the engine soon

I also needed a solution to lift the engine when it comes time to mount it. Harbor Freight makes a 1-ton crane that seems to be popular for this purpose, but I didn’t want to buy one brand-new for what I expect to be one-time use. I’ve been watching local marketplaces for a used example, and coincidentally one came up for sale the same day, so I now also have the engine crane too. I was happy to get this for $100, which is half the cost of a new crane.

Harbor Freight 1-ton crane

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