Engine Mounted

I consider this a big milestone, but it wound up being pretty easy to mount the engine. The engine is attached with just four rather large M10 bolts. I purchased a second-hand Harbor Freight engine crane for $100, and a new load leveler bar for $40. Not too bad,...

Brake Pad Replacement

About two years ago I discovered one of the brake linings arrived from the factory damaged (see this post). At some point I ordered a set of replacement pads plus a tool to install it, but just never got around to doing the repair. Before hanging the heavy engine...

Firewall Components Installed

I wrapped up a productive weekend with attachment of the major engine accessories to the firewall: oil reservoir, voltage regulator, main battery, fusebox, shunt, fuel pump assembly, gascolator, and fuel lines. This work is much easier to do before the engine is attached. I am placing a DC contactor...

Canopy Install Part 2

The canopy installation took about 5 hours to complete, and it was a bit messy. I had flashbacks to building the fuel tanks, with sticky black goop (Sikaflex 295UV) going everywhere, and harsh chemicals (acetone) needed to clean up. I may have applied too much Sikaflex, because it was...

Canopy Headroom Check

Before I attach the canopy for good, I wanted to see how much extra headroom I could squeeze out. I was thinking I could raise up the front edge of the canopy a little bit, as long as there was enough excess material on the windscreen – luckily, the...

Firewall Insulation Revisited

I was about to spray adhesive for the Thermotec insulation I chose for the firewall, when suddenly I questioned how well it would insulate the cabin from engine heat (and noise). So, I performed a short test using 4” square test pieces of 26 ga. galvanized steel: one bare...

Instrument Panel Arrived

I’ve been fiddling with the instrument panel layout for at least 2 years now, but finally arrived at the final design. And thanks to the awesome team at Midwest Panel Builders, I now have the real thing in my garage! Steve at MWPB did a great job with the...

Interior Side Skins Test Fit

Between work travel, vacation, and family visits, it’s been a few weeks since I was able to put in some time on the plane. One of my recent trips was to Oshkosh, but I missed the arrival of the new Sling High Wing; I’ll have to find an excuse...

Canopy Install Part 1

With the headliner install complete, it’s finally time to attach the canopy! While checking for fit, I had to sand down the port side rear edge of the canopy a bit, but otherwise the composite lined up well with the metal skins. I match drilled all the holes, installed...

Rear Seat Air Ducts

Switching back to the fuselage for a bit; I’m ready to install the canopy, but before I do that, I need to install the interior side skins. My interior side skins didn’t come pre-drilled with holes for the rear-seat vents. Although I’ve heard they don’t work great, I still...