Heater System Preliminary Design
I’ve completed the preliminary design of my automatic heater system. I’ve been concentrating on this for the last few weeks, which is why I haven’t posted much progress on the plane itself. This system recovers the heat from the engine’s cylinder head water cooling loop, forces air over a...
Canopy Test Fit
Today I unpacked the composite canopy from the shipping crate that’s been sitting in the corner of my garage since the Spring. It took a good hour just to remove all of the protective bubble wrap, shrink wrap, and packing tape for transit. With some help, I placed the...
Sika Supplies
The next big step is to attach the canopy to the fuselage. For that task, I needed some supplies to seal the canopy. The factory recommends products made by Sika, which are a bit hard to find here in the US. I found that they are carried by some...
Latest IP Concept
I’ve been refining my instrument panel concept over the last week. One of my goals was to fit the Garmin G5 at top center, but its size disrupts placement of other components in the center between the two G3X screens. I’ve moved the G5 to the left edge of...
On Wheels
With everything attached for the front and main landing gear, and all of the fuselage riveted together, I decided it was time to drop the fuselage onto its wheels, and free up my workbench. I’ve been working on the fuselage for a little over a year now, so I...
Correction of Static Ports Install
I got a tip on my blog a few weeks ago from Daniel H. that I should have installed the static ports from inside the fuselage, not on the outside as I documented previously. The thought never occurred to me that they should be inside; the static port on...
Nose Gear Installed
In between activities over the long holiday weekend, I spent some time working on the nose gear. I found the nose gear difficult to rotate once assembled. It appeared to be binding on the split bushings used in the lower mount. I think the split bushings are created from...
Attaching Right Main Tire
Continuing with the installation of the landing gear. To install the wheel, the brake assembly needs to be partially disassembled. Unfortunately I discovered that one of the brake pads was cracked and will have to be replaced. Spruce sells a Matco brake relining kit and a tool to squeeze...
Garmin GPS Arrived
My Garmin GTN 650xi arrived this week, very fresh from the factory — all the paperwork was dated 8/25/2020! Great service from Steve and Adam at Midwest Panel Builders. They are an authorized Garmin dealer, and I highly recommend them for anything avionics related. As I discussed in a...
Main Gear Leg
Attaching the main gear leg proved to be a difficult task, as other builders have reported. I experienced a lot of the same difficulties, resulting in the need to file the legs in a few spots, both spread it and squeeze it, and then finally I was able to...