Canopy Test Fit

Today I unpacked the composite canopy from the shipping crate that’s been sitting in the corner of my garage since the Spring. It took a good hour just to remove all of the protective bubble wrap, shrink wrap, and packing tape for transit. With some help, I placed the canopy onto the fuselage, and it fits just fine. I have to trim a little near the

After removing all the bubble and shrink wrap
Fits nicely
Viewed from the front
The heavy steel cables are part of the parachute system

Once I’m satisfied with fit, I’ll have to clamp the canopy in place, and then match-drill it to the skins on the fuselage. There is some minor trimming needed near the seat belts.. some excess fiberglass that just needs to be cut.

Minor trimming of excess fiberglass needed before I begin installation

I know other builders have painted the canopy before installing it, but I’m thinking I’d like to install headliner material instead, if I can find a nice one.

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