Torque Tubes Part 3

Another 2 hours playing with torque tubes. I really don’t know what is the acceptable level of friction. It bugs me that the bushings rotate freely on the tube when it’s out of the fuselage, but the when I put the tube in and start clecoing down the close...

Torque Tubes Part II

With the joysticks done, I turned my attention back to the flap and elevator torque tubes in the center fuselage. I quickly discovered that none of these will go together easily; each bracket that holds a bushing has needed *some* kind of modification so far. For these torque tubes,...

Joystick Install Part 2

I spent about an hour on joysticks again. My pilot-side joystick moves freely, but I found that I hadn’t yet tightened down the copilot-side bracket that attaches the joystick torque tube to the main spar carry-thru assembly — that’s why it was moving so easily! As soon as I...

Rudder Pedals and Evil Bushings!

I spent far too many hours this weekend trying to get various torque tubes that ride in bushings to turn smoothly. I gave up on the rear elevator torque tube for now, and decided to put in the rudder pedal hardware. The rudder pedals are also torque tubes that...

Engine Choices

Here’s what I have to choose from: Notes: NA = Naturally Aspirated EFI = Electronic Fuel Injection 5 min max continuous power (for takeoff) 154HP is the advertised power, but I would probably ask for derated to ~135 HP for compatibility with a Whirlwind propeller Price when purchased through...

More Torque Tube Work

Another two hours on torque tubes, this time trying to get the rear torque tube to move smoothly. Because this tube rests on three bushings (and not just the ends), they need to be lined up perfectly, which is not easy. To achieve that, I’ve had to grind down...

Torque Tubes Installation

I spent about 3 hours getting torque tubes installed – the majority of that time was making small adjustments here and there to ensure the tubes moved smoothly. To accomplish this, I had to grind down some of the slots that the tubes’ bushings fit into. I also put...

Rudder Pedal Base

I spent about 1.5 hrs doing a few small tasks. First, someone on the Sling Builders Facebook group happen to notice that I installed an aileron control stop incorrectly; incredibly, I did this even after studying other blogs, and being aware that the build manual shows them in the...

Starting on Center Console & Rudder Pedals

As I was getting ready to start working on the next sheet of the center fuselage – sheet E8 – I noticed that I had some extra parts in the controls subsection bag that aren’t mentioned in the build manual. I figured out that these brackets function as locking...

Update on Cabin Heater

I’m pretty excited about the idea of an improved cabin heater for my plane, so much so that I decided to go buy one from a junked car for inspiration. I haven’t committed to this yet, but I would like to reverse-engineer an automotive unit and then design something...