New Sling TSi @ Oshkosh 2018

I had an exciting week at Airventure 2018!  I decided to return after a 10-year hiatus – figured I was overdue, especially since I started building my own plane this year!  It was a fantastic event, with lots of beautiful home builds and exciting air shows – I’ll have...

Ribs 5 and 6

Not much to these two ribs. Looks like the next one (rib 8) will be more interesting, and then after that I get to start attaching ribs to the main wing spars!...

Making more ribs

It’s summer time and I’m making ribs! Well, not the kind you put in a smoker anyway 😬 Continued with subassemblies of the wing ribs, which so far have consisted of attaching brackets for hanging the ailerons (I think) plus a plate and bushing for guiding an aileron torque...

Wing underway

Tonight I started construction of the wing, starting with rib 12. I guess that means there are at least 11 more like these on both sides! Not much to these parts, just some stiffener channels and an interesting bushing assembly for an aileron torque tube....

Rudder frame done

I finished assembly of the rudder structure this weekend. All went together as expected. Unfortunately I will have to wait to complete the rudder as I am awaiting a replacement skin from TAF (the one that came in my kit was damaged in shipment). It’s on its way from...


OK, this post is not really related to building my plane, but I wanted to share a little about another transportation device I just recently acquired – a Tesla Model 3! I’ve been waiting for this beauty for more than 2 years – though I’ve wanted to make the...

Started Rudder

It’s been a little bit since I’ve been able to work on my plane – work has been busy (including an overnight trip), but I’ve also been taking advantage of the nice weather lately, doing some outdoors stuff  like biking, hiking & pool days. I spent about an hour...

Buying a second rivet gun

I’m buying a second rivet gun – as I mentioned in my earlier post, it’s pretty common for assemblies to use both 3.2mm and 4.0mm rivets.  Changing the bit on the rivet gun is a little annoying (even if it doesn’t take too long) – it’s about the same...

Elevator Structure Assembly

Good productive weekend! I primed and started assembly of the elevator, starting with the trim tab. I ran into a hole misalignment with rib #1 on both sides, looks like other builders have encountered this too. I decided to use a #20 drill bit to fix this – the...