Category: Wings

Left Wing Spar Assembly started

Got started on the aux wing spar late last week and into the weekend, it’s coming along pretty well. I ran out of the primer that I was using (SEM), so I had to use some backup primer (Rustoleum) for the wing skin support bracket – it’s not as...

Painting by the Garden

I have some artistic friends who would tell me that my version of “painting by the garden at night” is a little too literal … nonetheless, my left auxiliary wing spar is now primed 😬...

Wing Ribs 8 and 9

Finally got back to working on the wings after a 3-week hiatus.  I had a big project at work that just wrapped up, and then I spent last week at the EAA Oshkosh 2018 air show!  Needless to say, I came back from Airventure very excited to get back...

Ribs 5 and 6

Not much to these two ribs. Looks like the next one (rib 8) will be more interesting, and then after that I get to start attaching ribs to the main wing spars!...

Making more ribs

It’s summer time and I’m making ribs! Well, not the kind you put in a smoker anyway 😬 Continued with subassemblies of the wing ribs, which so far have consisted of attaching brackets for hanging the ailerons (I think) plus a plate and bushing for guiding an aileron torque...

Wing underway

Tonight I started construction of the wing, starting with rib 12. I guess that means there are at least 11 more like these on both sides! Not much to these parts, just some stiffener channels and an interesting bushing assembly for an aileron torque tube....