Making more ribs
It’s summer time and I’m making ribs! Well, not the kind you put in a smoker anyway 😬
Continued with subassemblies of the wing ribs, which so far have consisted of attaching brackets for hanging the ailerons (I think) plus a plate and bushing for guiding an aileron torque tube. Rib #4 pictured below:
The little plastic tub that potato salad comes in makes a good container for rivets while working. Here’s one finished rib;
Minor problem on this little plate, the holes were drilled too small, so I had to open them up with a reamer to fit a 4.0mm rivet:
Something else to note – the ribs have an extra hole drilled out next to the big cutouts, but it gets covered up by the doubler plate. I wonder if that’s on purpose, or will I be drilling through these holes later??