Rear Floor Assembly
I started fitting all the ribs I primed this past weekend to the rear spar carry-through assembly and floor skin. The fuselage is beginning to take shape!...
Center Fuselage Parts
In and around holiday events this past weekend I was able to put in a few hours on center fuselage parts. Not much to show, other than a bunch of floor ribs that have been cleaned and primed. Speaking of priming – I found that I spend a lot...
Rear Fuselage Progress
I was able to log quite a few hours this past weekend, working mainly on the rear fuselage. First, I finished assembly of the tailcone, which is fairly beefy since the empennage control surfaces attach to it. Some rivets were a little tricky to set due to limited room....
Right Wing Skins and Starting Fuselage Assembly
I consulted TAF about my damaged rear wing spar, and they advised against repairing it so they will send me a new one. That limits how much I can do on right wing assembly for now, but we had some nice weather this weekend so I decided to prime...
Fuselage Skin Rack
As I started inventorying the fuselage skins, I realized that I didn’t have a good place to put them. I found some unused space above my garage door and improvised a shelf out of reclaimed wood from the shipping containers for the wing and empennage. I’m now complete with...
Inventory of Fuselage
There are many, many parts in the fuselage, I can see why this will take a while to build. 5 hours so far just counting and touching all the parts, and I’m just now getting to the bottom of the crate where most of the skins were packed. The...
Fuselage Kit Arrived
My fuselage kit completed its cross-country trip and it looks like the crate held up well. Not sure yet where I’m going to store the parts, since I still have wing parts all over the garage, but luckily I have the long weekend ahead to sort it out!...
Aileron Parts Prep; Fuselage Kit On Its Way!
I just got back from an amazing European vacation, and prior to that, a weekend trip to NYC, which is why I haven’t had any updates since Easter. I’m back now, excited to get back to work. While I was away on vacation, I also finished all the purchase...