Fuselage Skin Rack

As I started inventorying the fuselage skins, I realized that I didn’t have a good place to put them. I found some unused space above my garage door and improvised a shelf out of reclaimed wood from the shipping containers for the wing and empennage.

Simple rack made from the 1.5″ squares that made up the frame of the wing shipping container. The skins are pretty light, so I wasn’t too worried about making the rack super strong
Plenty of room for all the big skins, and they’re in a place where they’ll be safe from getting bumped into
The smaller skins and all other fuselage parts are neatly stored away on wire shelves

I’m now complete with the inventory, and I only have a small number of discrepancies to resolve – they mostly seem related to a design change in the parachute box. My fuselage kit pieces didn’t match what’s shown in the Sling 4 construction manual, but I looked at the Sling TSi manual and found my parts match the pictures and part numbers – so it appears to be a running change in the design that is common to both models, but the manual hasn’t caught up yet.

With inventory out of the way, I am resuming work on the right wing. I have the fuel tank partially assembled, but I first needed to address a problem with the rear spar that I forgot about. While in shipment, something punched a small hole into the angled edge that forms the upper cap. I smoothed out the damage, and made a small doubler plate to restore strength.

Damage to right wing rear spar, near where the step ribs attach
View of the same defect from the inside, after I gently flatted the area back down, then sanded and filed the hole smooth
I made a small doubler plate to restore strength to this spar cap

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