Skinned the Rudder
After a long period of working on the fuel tank, I’m at a step where it needs to be attached to the wing. Unfortunately it’s ridiculously cold in NH right now, which makes working in the garage unpleasant. So, I decided to take a break from the wing and...
Rudder frame done
I finished assembly of the rudder structure this weekend. All went together as expected. Unfortunately I will have to wait to complete the rudder as I am awaiting a replacement skin from TAF (the one that came in my kit was damaged in shipment). It’s on its way from...
Started Rudder
It’s been a little bit since I’ve been able to work on my plane – work has been busy (including an overnight trip), but I’ve also been taking advantage of the nice weather lately, doing some outdoors stuff like biking, hiking & pool days. I spent about an hour...