Exhaust Pipe
The instructions for installing the exhaust pipe are only three steps on one sheet, but the task took me a solid 4 hours to complete because I was trying to be careful. The installation of swept tail pipe requires removal of the stock straight pipe, which is welded in place on the muffler.

I curtained off the area since the cutting and grinding wheels produce a lot of dust

Tools for the job included an angle grinder with a 5” cutoff wheel, a grinding wheel, and flap sanding wheel. I also needed a rotary tool with a metal cutting wheel, sanding drum, and sanding foam.

The straight pipe is attached really well. The instructions say to grind off the weld that exists between the pipe and a shroud, however that weld was quite deep. At first I was grinding very carefully so as to remove as little metal as possible. Eventually though I realized there was no going back, so I started cutting a bit more liberally.

The instructions say to cut off the straight pipe, leaving 32.4mm (1.25”) exposed. That means the portion of pipe that needs to be cut is underneath the shroud, so I couldn’t use a standard 5” cutting wheel to cut the pipe, otherwise I’d be cutting the shroud too (which is needed to support the new tail pipe). So, after I cut off the pipe after the shroud, I switched to a Dremel tool with a smaller cutting wheel and made the surgical cut from the inside of the pipe, while laying down on my back.

Ha! Love the raccoon pic 😂. Seriously, though, the exhaust pipe looks great. Glad it turned out pretty since it was so ornery to install 👏
Patrick, next time use a thin cut off wheel and it will slice through that much better.