Update on Flaps Controller
Posted On December 31, 2020
I’m waiting on the circuit cards to come back from the fab, likely slightly delayed due to the holidays. In the interim, I worked on honing the process for painting and etching the fascia panel. My second iteration is looking better than the first, but I still need to dial in the combination of paint layers, laser power, and etching speed. Today I made a test panel to try out different combinations of the above to find the best match. I’m very pleased with the results, so I expect the next iteration of the fascia panel to look great!

I am in the process of making the electrical harness for my Sling HW and I am thinking of putting your order for the flaps can you send me the way of integrating it into my system given that I will be using a VX pro box from home for the breakers Vertical power.
And the price of it
Thank you
Have a good day
Hi Daniel,
Please contact me, Patrick at jetshine.net, to get details about the flaps controller.
I designed the controller to work standalone, so all it would need from your VPX pro would be power – with a circuit big enough to power the flaps motor. Assuming the servo for the Sling HW is the same as the one used in the Sling TSi, its max draw is 2.6A so a 5A circuit will be plenty (the controller itself draws a negligible amount of power)
I am drawing the HW harness and I still intend to put your Flaps Controller
I am missing the electrical diagram I understood correctly for the power supply
via the VX but towards the motor and the signaling return in the G3X if possible.
Have a good day
Hello my instruments arrive this week and I have to have my dashboard cut out I did not see on the sparnas site that the controller is available my question is can I rely on the controller flap.
I would be disappointed not to mount it I find it top.
Good day