Interior Skin Fit
On Monday I began the installation of the skins on the port side of the the fuselage. Like on the starboard side, I started with the interior skins. I found that the holes along the bottom of the skin were drilled differently than the starboard side, and supporting installing it in two different ways shown as ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the pictures below. In fitment ‘A’, the skin is tighter against the longerons, effectively leaving slightly more room inside the cockpit. Fitment B is easier to install, at the expense of interior volume.

From my inspection of factory photos on Craig’s blog (especially #79), it appears that the factory used Fitment B, at least in the example that is shown. However, the next two photos explain why I chose to go with A: first, there’s a closeout skin (CF-SKN-027-L-C-1) that goes beneath the seat, which only fits properly with fitment ‘A’. Second, I found the carpets were cut such that they fit better with fitment ‘A’. Unfortunately I installed the starboard side per Fitment ‘B’, so I’ll have to go back to fix that.