Garmin Goods

I purchased a few G3X components from Sling-focused supplier Midwest Panel Builders. Garmin ran a rebate promotion through the summer that I decided to take advantage of. I purchased two screens, a 10.6” GDU 460 and a 7” GDU 470, as well as a GEA 24 engine analyzer. These two screens will make up most of the glass panel in my plane. They are both touch screens and either can function as a Primary Flight Display (PFD) to show the traditional six-pack info: altitude, attitude, airspeed, direction, vertical speed, and turn coordination. Of course, these can display far more information as well, including synthetic vision of the nearby terrain.

I’m still working on the panel layout, so these parts will go on the shelf for now. I figure it will be sometime during the fall when I need to buy the remaining avionics.

Carefully packed components
Nothing fancy about these boxes
The 10.6” GDU 460 display

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