Nose Wheel Valve Stem

For my first task after coming back from a week of vacation up at Lake Winnipesauke, I had to fix a problem with my nose wheel. Thanks to a tip from fellow Sling builder Rod, I found out I had not assembled the valve stem correctly. A visit to the Matco website confirms this; they have a small instructional sheet available for download, which shows how to assemble a tube onto this MH51 series wheel. It definitely looks better now.

The valve stem should be pointed towards the center hub, not away
Valve sticks straight out the other side

There is an o-ring supplied with the undercarriage kit to install between the two halves of the wheel. I’m not sure what purpose it serves, but I nonetheless installed it per the instructions.

Confirming the o-ring is sitting correctly between the two wheel halves

For the next step, I have to attach tow bar brackets to the nose wheel fork. I decided to powder coat these parts.

Powdering the nose wheel tow bar brackets

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