Finished up Lower Skins
I was able to get in a few good 5-hr sessions this weekend and finish up fitting and riveting up the lower skins. I had to ream quite a lot of holes to make everything line up ok. But the end result looks good.

I had some nice weather on Saturday, so I took care of priming the nose skin, since that can be attached after the lower skins are in place.

Since I was putting the nose skin on, I also assembled the landing lights. I still need to do the electrical connections on the back.

As I mentioned in earlier posts, my lower skins didn’t really line up well with the spar caps and ribs. TAF advised me to elongate the holes with a drill/reamer, which I did – but in a few cases the alignment was pretty bad so I opted to up-size a few holes to a 4.8mm rivet.

Next I think I’ll start building the fuel tanks.