Prepping More Wing Ribs
I spent about 4 hours over the last 2 days preparing a bunch more ribs for the wings. You can see page 9 of the manual in this picture, which is where all these ribs (and more) are required. I still need to prime the edges. We’ve had an unusual string of warm humid weather with afternoon t-storms for the last week, which is not the best for painting.
With so many ribs to clean, I decided to switch to a part bath for cleaning parts, rather than using spray bottles, which has been time-consuming and kinda messy with bigger parts. These tubs are 36″ long, which will fit most of the parts I’ve had to clean so far. Simple Green Extreme (diluted 1:13 with water) on the right, plain water for rinse on the left.
I started setting up for this massive wing assembly! Rear spar is attached to the jigs; I’ll attach the main spar once I finish prepping the ribs.