Aileron Parts Prep; Fuselage Kit On Its Way!
I just got back from an amazing European vacation, and prior to that, a weekend trip to NYC, which is why I haven’t had any updates since Easter. I’m back now, excited to get back to work. While I was away on vacation, I also finished all the purchase stuff with TAF for the fuselage kit, so it’s on its way! The kit was picked up from Torrance last week, and should arrive in about 2 weeks.
During my vacation I also had time to think about my progress as many people ask me when the plane will be done. I had originally hoped to complete sometime in late 2020, but my progress over the last year shows that I’m woefully behind that goal! I averaged 21 hours/month over the last year, which would put my completion date somewhere in 2023 based on 1350 hours to complete the kit. I’m re-targeting a new date of late 2021, which means I need to work about 30-35 hrs/month to stay on track. Yes, that’s 1.5x over last year’s average, but I did have some months where I was able to get in 33 hours, so I think it’s achievable. There’s a new side widget on the home page called “Progress” so you can watch how I’m doing. The fuselage will be the biggest sub-project from what I’ve seen on other builders’ blogs, whom recorded 700-800 hours to complete. I’m hoping I’ll be able to go a little faster, taking advantage of their tips and tricks.
Back on subject – I had some time to work on the ailerons on Sunday. I completed cleaning and priming the ribs for both left and right side, and starting assembling the ribs to the skin. Everything seems to fit ok, but I will hold off on riveting the parts together as I’ve seen from Craig’s blog and Peter’s blog that there is some work required to align the trailing edge of the aileron with the flap and wing tip. I don’t have the wing tip attached to the wing yet, so I’m going to have to do that. However, before I attach the wing tip, I will fill in all the rivets on the bottom side of the wing, since I think that will be harder to do once the jig comes off the end of the wing.
Pictures showing the aileron parts coming together: